Review: God—The Failed Hypothesis, by Victor Stenger

This book is exasperating, because Stenger sets up a meta-analysis that games the entire discussion.  Having built for himself the restrictive form in which his reasoning is to be poured, he ends up with exactly the structure he set out to build.  The trouble is that it defies reason, not to mention, in many instances, […]


Review (Part Three): The Experience of God — Being Consciousness Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

Being Wonder Hart has set the stage for his discussion of being, consciousness, and bliss, and now we start with being; by which he means the astonishing fact of existence of anything.  All serious thought, Hart says, begins in a moment of “unsettling or delighted surprise.”  Hart describes it as a “primordial agitation of the mind.” That […]


Review (Part One): The Experience of God–Being, Consciousness, Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

This book is a rare find.  Hart eloquently puts forward what is fundamentally wrong with the materialist point of view that lures so many into a blinkered perception of reality. Part One:  “God” The Straw Man Here we consider the first of the theses Hart pursues:  that the new atheist argument against God is a […]