Review (Part Three): The Experience of God — Being Consciousness Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

Being Wonder Hart has set the stage for his discussion of being, consciousness, and bliss, and now we start with being; by which he means the astonishing fact of existence of anything.  All serious thought, Hart says, begins in a moment of “unsettling or delighted surprise.”  Hart describes it as a “primordial agitation of the mind.” That […]


Review (Part Two): The Experience of God — Being, Consciousness, Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

In part one, we considered Hart’s explanation of what it is meant by “God,” in order to avoid the distraction of puerile attacks on straw-man stand-ins for the real God. In this post, we consider Hart’s discussion of the philosophical backdrop against which his argument will be received. This will help us to avoid prejudices that we […]