Blinkered Reality

Sean Carroll is a physicist who sometimes dabbles uncomprehendingly in philosophy, as in his entrée into the New Atheist genre, The Big Picture. In it, Carroll repeatedly and exasperatingly assumes his conclusion (there is no supernatural reality, therefore there is no supernatural reality), adopts a materialism-of-the-gaps outlook (any gap in our understanding of physical things […]


Science and Anti-science

What is Science? Science is a process for discerning truths about the material world.  The word is also used as a summary of things learned, as a result of that process.  Doing science means using methodological rigor, so that results are not tainted by prejudice. In doing science, it is critically important that its practitioners […]


Review (Part Three): The Experience of God — Being Consciousness Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

Being Wonder Hart has set the stage for his discussion of being, consciousness, and bliss, and now we start with being; by which he means the astonishing fact of existence of anything.  All serious thought, Hart says, begins in a moment of “unsettling or delighted surprise.”  Hart describes it as a “primordial agitation of the mind.” That […]