Search for Certainty

I read an interesting interview of Meghan O’Gieblyn upon the publication of her book of essays Interior States, in an on-line version of Mockingbird magazine dated Feb 14, 2019. I’m excerpting one question and answer for you because it pertains to the so-called “New Atheists” of a few years ago. I used to get so exercised […]


The Widening Chasm

The Widening Chasm The history of the western world in 1600 words. Before Christ There was a time when the world was mysterious at every turn.  Much was inexplicable to us:  what makes plants grow?  How do children come from sexual union?  What makes the sun rise and set?  From ancient times much that was not yet understood […]



Easter In last year’s Easter post I talked about the origin of that word, “Easter.”  It is a reference to the direction, east, where the morning sun rises as a metaphor for the resurrection to come.  In the early days of Christianity, new believers understood they were embracing the God of the Jews, and the […]


Why Am I Here?

Is there any more fundamental question?  It is so fundamental to human experience that it must be hard-wired into us that we find a purpose for ourselves; and if we don’t, that we invent it. Religion and Longing One might suppose that religion is just such an invention.  But if religion is an invention of man, we’re still […]


Tunnel Vision

There is a disturbing trend afoot, and we should be aware of it.  It is a trend which seems to be gaining momentum.  It can be described as a collective tunneling of our vision, and not in the sense of healthy focus, but in the sense of disease-induced progressive exclusion of peripheral vision. Benjamin Jowett […]


Science vs. Religion?

Does science defeat religion? Is it true that science is equivalent to reason and rationality, and that religion is equivalent to superstition and irrationality? Those who are eager to advance a materialist perspective of ultimate reality would have us believe so.  If we believe that there is a God, and that acknowledging Him is not […]


The Materialist Epoch

The Pagan and Christian Epochs The predominant worldview in the west before Christianity was paganism, which assumed the existence of something beyond the here-and-now of matter in space and time; gods who must be honored in their prescribed ways and seasons, for orderly human life. We discussed this in The Pagan Epoch. That “something beyond” […]


Agnosticism Is Not Religious Neutrality

In “Nothing” is Not Religious Neutrality, we suggested two competing ideas, A and Z. A and Z are mutually exclusive, and together they comprise the only two possibilities concerning the subject matter. If we disbelieve A, we should believe Z, and vice versa. After following the logic of the thought experiment involving generic ideas A […]