Mind = Brain?

A review of I Am Not a Brain, by Markus Gabriel Freedom I begin this review where Gabriel ends his book: on the subject of freedom. Quoting Friedrich Schelling, Gabriel observes that “the alpha and omega of all philosophy is freedom.” By “freedom,” Gabriel does not refer merely to unbridled subjective autonomy, nor political freedom […]


Napkin Religion

Atheist visual joke:   Ha ha.  The Bible doesn’t prove anything about God, an atheist might contend, because it is not self-authenticating.  Whatever it says about God is just something someone wrote down.  Even if its words include the assertion that the words are God-inspired, how do we know that to be true?  Anyone could […]


Lane Encroachment

In Science and Anti-science, we looked at two theses.  One:  that exclusion of any possibility of the supernatural is bad science.   Two:  that some atheists depart from science altogether, subverting its principles, by attempting to brand their opponents “anti-science.” An astute comment to that post occasions this expansion of it.  The suggestion is made that theists […]


Philosophy Presented as Science

More Confusion about “Nothing” In the post First Cause, we mentioned a book by Lawrence Krauss, A Universe from Nothing, (Free Press 2012). The basic point of the post was that Krauss seemed not to have adequately grasped what “nothing” is, when he argued that material things came from nothing. One has to read more […]