Review: God is Not Great, How Religion Poisons Everything, by Christopher Hitchens

The late Christopher Hitchens worked the last years of his life as a professional atheist, going from debate to debate to catechize devotees of his brand of fiery, witty godlessness. Hitchens’ belief about the God he denied There’s a curious element to Hitchens’ debate appearances and to his writings on the subject of atheism as […]


Review (Part Three): The Experience of God — Being Consciousness Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

Being Wonder Hart has set the stage for his discussion of being, consciousness, and bliss, and now we start with being; by which he means the astonishing fact of existence of anything.  All serious thought, Hart says, begins in a moment of “unsettling or delighted surprise.”  Hart describes it as a “primordial agitation of the mind.” That […]


Review: The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins is certainly incendiary, and it’s not just because he makes free use of acerbic anti-Christian language.  It’s also because he would advocate prior restraint on free speech (chapter 1); considers religious teaching to children to be child abuse (chapter 9); and lays violence at the feet of religion while excusing the bridle-high materialist […]