What is Faith?

Here are two diverging ideas of what faith is. No Evidence One is the notion that faith is belief in something without any evidence to support it.  This is the stance taken by most atheist materialists:  that faith is merely childish acceptance of something as being true without demanding that it actually be true, or that […]


Religiosity and Religion

Doctrine “Religiosity” means the traditions that we tend to put in place of genuine relationship to God.  “Religion,” though, should not be as much a pejorative as it seems to be for many people today.  At heart it just means collective worship of God on shared ideas of who God is.  So it implies doctrines, […]


Napkin Religion

Atheist visual joke:   Ha ha.  The Bible doesn’t prove anything about God, an atheist might contend, because it is not self-authenticating.  Whatever it says about God is just something someone wrote down.  Even if its words include the assertion that the words are God-inspired, how do we know that to be true?  Anyone could […]