Fideism and Empiricism

Apostrophe Abuse             I have affirmative proof of the imminent collapse of civilization.  In Britain there was something called “The Apostrophe Protection Society.”  They just announced:  “We, and our many supporters worldwide, have done our best but the ignorance and laziness present in modern times have won.”  In case you think I make this stuff […]


Mind = Brain?

A review of I Am Not a Brain, by Markus Gabriel Freedom I begin this review where Gabriel ends his book: on the subject of freedom. Quoting Friedrich Schelling, Gabriel observes that “the alpha and omega of all philosophy is freedom.” By “freedom,” Gabriel does not refer merely to unbridled subjective autonomy, nor political freedom […]


Review: God—The Failed Hypothesis, by Victor Stenger

This book is exasperating, because Stenger sets up a meta-analysis that games the entire discussion.  Having built for himself the restrictive form in which his reasoning is to be poured, he ends up with exactly the structure he set out to build.  The trouble is that it defies reason, not to mention, in many instances, […]