The Form of the Forms

For many Christians, the existence of God is self-evident, reconfirmed in a thousand ways, and so there’s a tendency not to spend too much time on the introductory course, the “why I know there’s a God 101” course.  It’s good to do so, however. Let’s consider now the purpose and design we instinctively impute to […]


Evolution and Atheism

We often skip a step in our thinking about macro-evolution. If the theory is true, we feel, then there must be no God. If we think in such simple terms, then we’ve missed something important. Overwhelming Evidence of Design The strongest advocates of Evolution (capitalized here to signify macro-evolution) agree that the evidence of design […]


The Intelligible Universe

In the atheist’s imagination, all of reality is reducible to matter and energy and time. Science, the study of that matter and energy and time, is thought to render it intelligible. This is a mistake of thinking, however.  Intelligible order existed in the universe before the first scientist began to inquire into it. Science is […]


Review: God is Not Great, How Religion Poisons Everything, by Christopher Hitchens

The late Christopher Hitchens worked the last years of his life as a professional atheist, going from debate to debate to catechize devotees of his brand of fiery, witty godlessness. Hitchens’ belief about the God he denied There’s a curious element to Hitchens’ debate appearances and to his writings on the subject of atheism as […]