I’ve long been interested in how to think about the ongoing presence of God in our day-to-day lives. I could be oversimplifying, but it seems to me there are two ways of thinking of God. Either He is the aloof God of Deism, the uncaused-cause necessary to explain physical reality, but nothing more, or He […]
Read more...Category: Love
Etiolated Language
I have written before about how language is debased such that Christian concepts are built into secularism in a confusing way. It is unfortunate not just because precision is lost. It is also unfortunate because it serves to obscure the naturalism endemic to modern secularism. The operating assumption you’re routinely expected to embrace is that […]
Read more...Constantine Oprisan
This is a reprint of a portion of a 1996 interview of the late Orthodox priest George Calciu, who spent years of torture in the communist Romanian gulag for being a Christian priest. He was speaking of his cell-mate, Constantine Oprisan. This was also posted on Rod Dreher’s blog on December 7, 2017. I was […]
Read more...Kingship
Imagine you’re a king, riding your majestic white steed through the forest. You stop in a little village for water and are served by a humble village girl. She enchants you. You speak with her and find that you’re falling in love with her. But now you’ve got a problem. She can’t really love you in […]
Read more...Wedding Day
We’re drawn, all of us are drawn, to weddings. Why? The most obvious reason is that we love a love story. Another reason, though, is that we’re drawn to a picture of completion. Of a union that is complete and not temporary like what we experience here and now. We come to witness a new […]
Read more...Love, Materialist Style
Unfulfilled Passion In two recent posts, Imagine a Boy, and Yearning, I embarked on a query about what love is, and what it might tell us about the big question: God, or purposeless, mechanistic randomness in the universe? These were posts in more of a story-telling format, than, say, analytic philosophy. Each has its place. […]