Overton Window

The Mind               Friday’s (11/22/10) Wall Street Journal article by Robert Lee Holtz:  Music’s Universal Pull Studied by Algorithm.  Turns out there are some “universal patterns” in music, even correcting for biases of culture, perception, and the findings appearing in Western scholarship.  Music apparently has “bedeviled” Darwinian biologists.  Luke Glowacki of Pennsylvania State University […]


AI and Consciousness

Advances in artificial intelligence are of interest because of what they may say about consciousness. If a machine can acquire human-like sentience, does that mean consciousness is entirely an emergent property of brain functioning? If so, it would arguably eliminate human consciousness as a phenomenon that proves God’s existence. All the more reason, then, that we […]


Funny Computer

Some follow-up on “Artificial Intelligence,”  plus some odds and ends. I wrote about “Artificial Intelligence” a couple of weeks ago, putting the phrase in quotes so I could say we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that what these machines do, does not include actual “intelligence” in the way human beings have intelligence. We shouldn’t assume […]


“Artificial Intelligence”

What the words mean It seems like there’s a new article or book almost weekly on the coming impact of Artificial Intelligence. The phrase, “artificial intelligence,” has always been puzzling to me, however, and I think we should stop and consider it, the more so if the phenomenon it denotes is actually introducing a disruptive […]


All-Seeing Eye

I wrote about Jordan Peterson in Psychological Avatar, in particular his understanding of God. Or “God,” as he might say. The question is whether there is a “God Who is There,” in Francis Schaeffer’s phrasing, or whether “God” is only a representation of ultimate human aspiration, an avatar for the ground-up Darwinian psychological development to […]


Mind = Brain?

A review of I Am Not a Brain, by Markus Gabriel Freedom I begin this review where Gabriel ends his book: on the subject of freedom. Quoting Friedrich Schelling, Gabriel observes that “the alpha and omega of all philosophy is freedom.” By “freedom,” Gabriel does not refer merely to unbridled subjective autonomy, nor political freedom […]


Another Dangerous Idea

The Conflict of Ideas This post is a review of C.S. Lewis’s Dangerous Idea, by Victor Reppert, and a discussion of the ideas in it. Victor Reppert wrote this book in 2003.  My impression is that the title is primarily a marketing decision.  It is intended to call to mind the title of Daniel Dennett’s […]