Little Boy

“Little Boy” is a 2015 movie set in war-time 1940’s, in a small sea-side town in California.  The little boy is Pepper, an eight-year-old, who earns the sobriquet as a result of his diminutive size.  He is deeply attached to his father.  When his father goes off to war, the boy in his childish imagination comes to believe […]


Winter Light — Algot

This is the third post on Winter Light, Ingmar Bergman’s remarkable film from 1963. We’ve so far considered two of the characters, as vehicles for considering significant points of the movie.   The first was Jonas Persson, who killed himself after the pastor’s (Tomas’) clumsy ministering.  Persson wanted to know that there was a purpose to […]


Beauty from Ashes

The Ashes As a society we are far past the general disaffection of Europe in the 20’s, following the Great War, when repudiation of religious sensibility was traceable to eye-opening atrocity joined to soul-deadening ideology.  Now a similar disaffection from great questions exists, but seems to be more the result of a wide-scale spiritual listlessness. […]


The Christian Epoch

As we covered in The Pagan Epoch, when Christ came and his followers took the message to the world, they were taking it to the pagan world, not to peoples who rejected supernatural reality.  Some accepted the message, and others rejected it, but those who rejected it did not do so because they disbelieved supernatural agency. […]