Modern Philosophy

A review of Modern Philosophy (Penguin 1994) by Roger Scruton. This book is, as subtitled, “an introduction and survey,” but there is also an underlying thesis in Scruton’s arrangement of subjects. By “modern philosophy” he means not merely recent developments in philosophy, but an emphasis on philosophers since Descartes who are “modernists” – committed to […]


The Materialist Epoch

The Pagan and Christian Epochs The predominant worldview in the west before Christianity was paganism, which assumed the existence of something beyond the here-and-now of matter in space and time; gods who must be honored in their prescribed ways and seasons, for orderly human life. We discussed this in The Pagan Epoch. That “something beyond” […]


Review (Part Six): The Experience of God – Being Consciousness Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

Having explained how we approach the natural only over the interval of the supernatural, Hart turns to the incoherency of materialism. Absolute truth The human longing for truth involves a loyalty to an ultimate ideal, and that ultimate ideal beckons to us from beyond the totality of beings.  We would not care at all about […]


“The river’s just a river”

In the musical version of Les Miserables, Eponine sings “On My Own,” a poignant expression of her disappointment that Marius does not requite her love.  Imagining that he is with her, she describes the enchantment of her surroundings: In the rain the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the […]


Review (Part Five): The Experience of God — Being Consciousness Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

Bliss Mind over matter There is a mystery at the base of all of our ruminations about consciousness, and that sense of mystery resists reduction to material causes.  Reality is one, embraced within the totality of being.  “[P]erhaps we really should look elsewhere for the source and sustaining principle of that unity.”  And Hart does: […]