Science and Anti-science

What is Science? Science is a process for discerning truths about the material world.  The word is also used as a summary of things learned, as a result of that process.  Doing science means using methodological rigor, so that results are not tainted by prejudice. In doing science, it is critically important that its practitioners […]


Science vs. Religion?

Does science defeat religion? Is it true that science is equivalent to reason and rationality, and that religion is equivalent to superstition and irrationality? Those who are eager to advance a materialist perspective of ultimate reality would have us believe so.  If we believe that there is a God, and that acknowledging Him is not […]


Review (Part Two): The Experience of God — Being, Consciousness, Bliss, by David Bentley Hart

In part one, we considered Hart’s explanation of what it is meant by “God,” in order to avoid the distraction of puerile attacks on straw-man stand-ins for the real God. In this post, we consider Hart’s discussion of the philosophical backdrop against which his argument will be received. This will help us to avoid prejudices that we […]