
Easter In last year’s Easter post I talked about the origin of that word, “Easter.”  It is a reference to the direction, east, where the morning sun rises as a metaphor for the resurrection to come.  In the early days of Christianity, new believers understood they were embracing the God of the Jews, and the […]


Religiosity and Religion

Doctrine “Religiosity” means the traditions that we tend to put in place of genuine relationship to God.  “Religion,” though, should not be as much a pejorative as it seems to be for many people today.  At heart it just means collective worship of God on shared ideas of who God is.  So it implies doctrines, […]


Materialism Is Not Religious Neutrality

In “Nothing” is Not Religious Neutrality, we suggested two competing ideas, A and Z. A and Z are mutually exclusive, and together they comprise the only two possibilities concerning the subject matter. If we disbelieve A, we should believe Z, and vice versa. Non-belief Does Not Create Neutrality We discussed how muddled thinking might cause […]